1desc "Generate security audit and code quality report"
2# e.g.: rake code_quality lowest_score=90 max_offenses=100 metrics=stats,rails_best_practices,roodi rails_best_practices_max_offenses=10 roodi_max_offenses=10
3task :code_quality => :"code_quality:default" do; end if Rake.application.instance_of?(Rake::Application)
4namespace :code_quality do
5  task :default => [:summary, :security_audit, :quality_audit, :generate_index] do; end
7  # desc "show summary"
8  task :summary do
 9    puts "# Code Quality Report", "\n"
10    puts "Generated by code_quality (v#{CodeQuality::VERSION}) @ #{Time.now}", "\n"
11  end
13  # desc "generate a report index page"
14  task :generate_index => :helpers do
15    index_path = "tmp/code_quality/index.html"
16    generate_index index_path
17    # puts "Generate report index to #{index_path}"
18    show_in_browser File.realpath(index_path)
19  end
21  desc "security audit using bundler-audit, brakeman"
22  task :security_audit => [:"security_audit:default"] do; end
23  namespace :security_audit do
24    # default tasks
25    task :default => [:bundler_audit, :brakeman, :resources] do; end
27    # desc "prepare dir"
28    task :prepare => :helpers do
29      @report_dir = "tmp/code_quality/security_audit"
30      prepare_dir @report_dir
32      def report_dir
33        @report_dir
34      end
35    end
37    desc "bundler audit"
38    task :bundler_audit => :prepare do |task|
39      run_audit task, "bundler audit - checks for vulnerable versions of gems in Gemfile.lock" do
40        # Update the ruby-advisory-db and check Gemfile.lock
41        report = `bundle audit check --update`
42        @report_path = "#{report_dir}/bundler-audit-report.txt"
43        File.open(@report_path, 'w') {|f| f.write report }
44        puts report
45        audit_faild "Must fix vulnerabilities ASAP" unless report =~ /No vulnerabilities found/
46      end
47    end
49    desc "brakeman"
50    # options:
51    #   brakeman_options: pass extract CLI options, e.g.: brakeman_options="--skip-files lib/templates/"
52    task :brakeman => :prepare do |task|
53      options = options_from_env(:brakeman_options)
54      require 'json'
55      run_audit task, "Brakeman audit - checks Ruby on Rails applications for security vulnerabilities" do
56        @report_path = "#{report_dir}/brakeman-report.txt"
57        `brakeman -o #{@report_path} -o #{report_dir}/brakeman-report.json #{options[:brakeman_options]} .`
58        puts `cat #{@report_path}`
59        report = JSON.parse(File.read("#{report_dir}/brakeman-report.json"))
60        audit_faild "There are #{report["errors"].size} errors, must fix them ASAP." if report["errors"].any?
61      end
62    end
64    # desc "resources url"
65    task :resources do
66      refs = %w{
67        https://github.com/presidentbeef/brakeman
68        https://github.com/rubysec/bundler-audit
69        http://guides.rubyonrails.org/security.html
70        https://github.com/hardhatdigital/rails-security-audit
71        https://hakiri.io/blog/ruby-security-tools-and-resources
72        https://www.netsparker.com/blog/web-security/ruby-on-rails-security-basics/
73        https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Ruby_on_Rails_Cheatsheet
74      }
75      puts "## Security Resources"
76      puts refs.map { |url| "  - #{url}" }, "\n"
77    end
78  end
80  desc "code quality audit"
81  # e.g.: rake code_quality:quality_audit fail_fast=true
82  # options:
83  #   fail_fast: to stop immediately if any audit task fails, by default fail_fast=false
84  #   generate_index: generate a report index page to tmp/code_quality/quality_audit/index.html, by default generate_index=false
85  task :quality_audit => [:"quality_audit:default"] do; end
86  namespace :quality_audit do |ns|
87    # default tasks
88    task :default => [:run_all, :resources] do; end
90    # desc "run all audit tasks"
91    task :run_all => :helpers do
92      options = options_from_env(:fail_fast, :generate_index)
93      fail_fast = options.fetch(:fail_fast, "false")
94      generate_index = options.fetch(:generate_index, "false")
95      audit_tasks = [:rubycritic, :rubocop, :metric_fu]
96      exc = nil
97      audit_tasks.each do |task_name|
98        begin
 99          task = ns[task_name]
100          task.invoke
101        rescue SystemExit => exc
102          raise exc if fail_fast == "true"
103        end
104      end
106      # generate a report index page to tmp/code_quality/quality_audit/index.html
107      if options[:generate_index] == "true"
108        index_path = "tmp/code_quality/quality_audit/index.html"
109        @audit_tasks.each do |task_name, report|
110          report[:report_path].sub!("quality_audit/", "")
111        end
112        generate_index index_path
113        puts "Generate report index to #{index_path}"
114      end
116      audit_faild "" if exc
117    end
119    # desc "prepare dir"
120    task :prepare => :helpers do
121      @report_dir = "tmp/code_quality/quality_audit"
122      prepare_dir @report_dir
124      def report_dir
125        @report_dir
126      end
127    end
129    desc "rubycritic"
130    # e.g.: rake code_quality:quality_audit:rubycritic lowest_score=94.5
131    task :rubycritic => :prepare do |task|
132      options = options_from_env(:lowest_score)
133      run_audit task, "Rubycritic - static analysis gems such as Reek, Flay and Flog to provide a quality report of your Ruby code." do
134        report = `rubycritic -p #{report_dir}/rubycritic app lib --no-browser`
135        puts report
136        @report_path = report_path = "#{report_dir}/rubycritic/overview.html"
137        show_in_browser File.realpath(report_path)
139        # if config lowest_score then audit it with report score
140        if options[:lowest_score]
141          if report[-20..-1] =~ /Score: (.+)/
142            report_score = $1.to_f
143            lowest_score = options[:lowest_score].to_f
144            audit_faild "Report score #{colorize(report_score, :yellow)} is lower then #{colorize(lowest_score, :yellow)}, must improve your code quality or set a higher #{colorize("lowest_score", :black, :white)}" if report_score < lowest_score
145          end
146        end
147      end
148    end
150    desc "rubocop - audit coding style"
151    # e.g.: rake code_quality:quality_audit:rubocop rubocop_max_offenses=100
152    # options:
153    #   config_formula: use which formula for config, supports "github, "rails" or path_to_your_local_config.yml, default is "github"
154    #   cli_options: pass extract options, e.g.: cli_options="--show-cops"
155    #   rubocop_max_offenses: if config rubocop_max_offenses then audit it with detected offenses number in report, e.g.: rubocop_max_offenses=100
156    task :rubocop => :prepare do |task|
157      run_audit task, "rubocop - RuboCop is a Ruby static code analyzer. Out of the box it will enforce many of the guidelines outlined in the community Ruby Style Guide." do
158        options = options_from_env(:config_formula, :cli_options, :rubocop_max_offenses)
160        config_formulas = {
161          'github' => 'https://github.com/github/rubocop-github',
162          'rails' => 'https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/master/.rubocop.yml'
163        }
165        # prepare cli options
166        config_formula = options.fetch(:config_formula, 'github')
167        if config_formula && File.exists?(config_formula)
168          config_file = config_formula
169          puts "Using config file: #{config_file}"
170        else
171          gem_config_dir = File.expand_path("../../../config", __FILE__)
172          config_file    = "#{gem_config_dir}/rubocop-#{config_formula}.yml"
173          puts "Using config formula: [#{config_formula}](#{config_formulas[config_formula]})"
174        end
175        @report_path = report_path = "#{report_dir}/rubocop-report.html"
177        # generate report
178        report = `rubocop -c #{config_file} -S -R -P #{options[:cli_options]} --format offenses --format html -o #{report_path}`
179        puts report
180        puts "Report generated to #{report_path}"
181        show_in_browser File.realpath(report_path)
183        # if config rubocop_max_offenses then audit it with detected offenses number in report
184        if options[:rubocop_max_offenses]
185          if report[-20..-1] =~ /(\d+) *Total/
186            detected_offenses = $1.to_i
187            max_offenses = options[:rubocop_max_offenses].to_i
188            audit_faild "Detected offenses #{colorize(detected_offenses, :yellow)} is more then #{colorize(max_offenses, :yellow)}, must improve your code quality or set a lower #{colorize("rubocop_max_offenses", :black, :white)}" if detected_offenses > max_offenses
189          end
190        end
191      end
192    end
194    desc "metric_fu - many kinds of metrics"
195    # e.g.: rake code_quality:quality_audit:metric_fu metrics=stats,rails_best_practices,roodi rails_best_practices_max_offenses=9 roodi_max_offenses=10
196    # options:
197    #   metrics: default to run all metrics, can be config as: cane,churn,flay,flog,hotspots,rails_best_practices,rcov,reek,roodi,saikuro,stats
198    #   flay_max_offenses: offenses number for audit
199    #   cane_max_offenses: offenses number for audit
200    #   rails_best_practices_max_offenses: offenses number for audit
201    #   reek_max_offenses: offenses number for audit
202    #   roodi_max_offenses: offenses number for audit
203    task :metric_fu => :prepare do |task|
204      metrics_offenses_patterns = {
205        "flay" => /Total Score (\d+)/,
206        "cane" => /Total Violations (\d+)/,
207        "rails_best_practices" => /Found (\d+) errors/,
208        "reek" => /Found (\d+) code smells/,
209        "roodi" => /Found (\d+) errors/,
210      }
211      metrics_have_offenses = metrics_offenses_patterns.keys.map { |metric| "#{metric}_max_offenses".to_sym }
212      options = options_from_env(:metrics, *metrics_have_offenses)
213      run_audit task, "metric_fu - Code metrics from Flog, Flay, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Code Statistics, and Rails Best Practices. (and optionally RCov)" do
214        report_path = "#{report_dir}/metric_fu"
215        available_metrics = %w{cane churn flay flog hotspots rails_best_practices rcov reek roodi saikuro stats}
216        metric_fu_opts = ""
217        selected_metrics = available_metrics
218        if options[:metrics]
219          selected_metrics = options[:metrics].split(",")
220          disable_metrics = available_metrics - selected_metrics
221          selected_metrics_opt = selected_metrics.map { |m| "--#{m}" }.join(" ")
222          disable_metrics_opt = disable_metrics.map { |m| "--no-#{m}" }.join(" ")
223          metric_fu_opts = "#{selected_metrics_opt} #{disable_metrics_opt}"
224          puts "for metrics: #{selected_metrics.join(",")}"
225        end
226        # geneate report
227        report = `metric_fu --no-open #{metric_fu_opts}`
228        FileUtils.remove_dir(report_path) if Dir.exists? report_path
229        FileUtils.mv("tmp/metric_fu/output", report_path, force: true)
230        puts report
231        puts "Report generated to #{report_path}"
232        show_in_browser File.realpath(report_path)
233        @report_path = "#{report_path}/index.html"
235        # audit report result
236        report_result_path = "tmp/metric_fu/report.yml"
237        if File.exists? report_result_path
238          require 'yaml'
239          report_result = YAML.load_file(report_result_path)
240          # if config #{metric}_max_offenses then audit it with report result
241          audit_failures = []
242          metrics_offenses_patterns.each do |metric, pattern|
243            option_key = "#{metric}_max_offenses".to_sym
244            if options[option_key]
245              detected_offenses = report_result[metric.to_sym][:total].to_s.match(pattern)[1].to_i rescue 0
246              max_offenses = options[option_key].to_i
247              if detected_offenses > max_offenses
248                puts "Metric #{colorize(metric, :green)} detected offenses #{colorize(detected_offenses, :yellow)} is more then #{colorize(max_offenses, :yellow)}, must improve your code quality or set a lower #{colorize(option_key, :black, :white)}"
249                audit_failures << {metric: metric, detected_offenses: detected_offenses, max_offenses: max_offenses}
250              end
251            end
252          end
253          audit_faild "#{audit_failures.size} of #{selected_metrics.size} metrics audit failed" if audit_failures.any?
254        end
255      end
256    end
258    # desc "resources url"
259    task :resources do
260      refs = %w{
261        http://awesome-ruby.com/#-code-analysis-and-metrics
262        https://github.com/whitesmith/rubycritic
263        https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop
264        https://github.com/bbatsov/ruby-style-guide
265        https://github.com/github/rubocop-github
266        https://github.com/metricfu/metric_fu
267        https://rails-bestpractices.com
268      }
269      puts "## Code Quality Resources"
270      puts refs.map { |url| "  - #{url}" }
271    end
272  end
274  # desc "helper methods"
275  task :helpers do
276    def run_audit(task, title, &block)
277      task_name = task.name.split(":").last
278      @audit_tasks ||= {}
279      @audit_tasks[task_name] ||= {
280        report_path: "",
281        failure: "",
282      }
283      puts "## #{title}"
284      puts "", "```"
285      exc = nil
286      begin
287        realtime(&block)
288      rescue SystemExit => exc
289        # audit faild
290        @audit_tasks[task_name][:failure] = exc.message.gsub(/(\e\[\d+m)/, "")
291      ensure
292        # get @report_path set in each audit task
293        @audit_tasks[task_name][:report_path] = @report_path&.sub("tmp/code_quality/", "")
294      end
295      puts "```", ""
296      raise exc if exc
297    end
299    def realtime(&block)
300      require 'benchmark'
301      realtime = Benchmark.realtime do
302        block.call
303      end.round
304      process_time = humanize_secs(realtime)
305      puts "[ #{process_time} ]"
306    end
308    # p humanize_secs 60
309    # => 1m
310    # p humanize_secs 1234
311    #=>"20m 34s"
312    def humanize_secs(secs)
313      [[60, :s], [60, :m], [24, :h], [1000, :d]].map{ |count, name|
314        if secs > 0
315          secs, n = secs.divmod(count)
316          "#{n.to_i}#{name}"
317        end
318      }.compact.reverse.join(' ').chomp(' 0s')
319    end
321    def prepare_dir(dir)
322      FileUtils.mkdir_p dir
323    end
325    def audit_faild(msg)
326      flag = colorize("[AUDIT FAILED]", :red, :yellow)
327      abort "#{flag} #{msg}"
328    end
330    # e.g.: options_from_env(:a, :b) => {:a => ..., :b => ... }
331    def options_from_env(*keys)
332      # ENV.to_h.slice(*keys.map(&:to_s)).symbolize_keys! # using ActiveSupport
333      ENV.to_h.inject({}) { |opts, (k, v)| keys.include?(k.to_sym) ? opts.merge({k.to_sym => v}) : opts }
334    end
336    # set text color, background color using ANSI escape sequences, e.g.:
337    #   colors = %w(black red green yellow blue pink cyan white default)
338    #   colors.each { |color| puts colorize(color, color) }
339    #   colors.each { |color| puts colorize(color, :green, color) }
340    def colorize(text, color = "default", bg = "default")
341      colors = %w(black red green yellow blue pink cyan white default)
342      fgcode = 30; bgcode = 40
343      tpl = "\e[%{code}m%{text}\e[0m"
344      cov = lambda { |txt, col, cod| tpl % {text: txt, code: (cod+colors.index(col.to_s))} }
345      ansi = cov.call(text, color, fgcode)
346      ansi = cov.call(ansi, bg, bgcode) if bg.to_s != "default"
347      ansi
348    end
350    def show_in_browser(dir)
351      require "launchy"
352      require "uri"
353      uri = URI.escape("file://#{dir}/")
354      if File.directory?(dir)
355        uri = URI.join(uri, "index.html")
356      end
357      Launchy.open(uri) if open_in_browser?
358    end
360    def open_in_browser?
361      ENV["CI"].nil?
362    end
364    def generate_index(index_path)
365      require "erb"
366      prepare_dir "tmp/code_quality"
367      gem_app_dir = File.expand_path("../../../app", __FILE__)
368      erb_file = "#{gem_app_dir}/views/code_quality/index.html.erb"
370      # render view
371      @audit_tasks ||= []
372      erb = ERB.new(File.read(erb_file))
373      output = erb.result(binding)
375      File.open(index_path, 'w') {|f| f.write output }
376    end
377  end